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video Alex Mallinson video Alex Mallinson

Animating your ads? Break free from boring briefs!

To make your animation stand out, you need to think differently - that much is obvious.

But how do you maintain that brave impulse through a risk-averse process that is designed to fit your work into a pre-existing mould? Animation Director Alex Mallinson is here to inspire courage.

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copywriting, strategy Sue Keogh copywriting, strategy Sue Keogh

Rewriting Ryanair: when crisis hits, is your web content up to the job?

Your website is a crucial element in good crisis management. It's where you can share helpful, accurate information and show concern for the people affected. Unless you're Ryanair and have announced a second wave of flight cancellations which will hit 400,000 passengers.

But what's wrong with their approach, exactly - and how could they make it more effective?

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