Marketing Training
Learn with the experts, in person and online

Our most popular marketing training courses
We build our workshops around you, weaving in best practice examples from your sector and looking at others in the field to see how you can leapfrog over the competition.
Over the years, we have delivered social media training, writing for the web training and communications strategy workshops to thousands of people.
Like the University of Cambridge, Body Shop at Home, Sony, Government Digital Services and more small businesses and startups than we can count!
Lunchtime learning
Practical sessions to leave you inspired and informed!
Full and half-day tailored training
For startups and marketing teams, in person and online

How much does marketing training cost?
We have a simple approach to pricing with all our courses:
Half-day workshop:
£1575 for up to 5, plus £150 per person on top
Full-day workshop:
£1875 for up to 5, plus £180 per person on top
Lunchtime learning: £99 per person
Plus VAT at standard rates and reasonable costs for travel.
Due to the prep time that goes into our courses in digital marketing, the pricing is the same for face-to-face delivery and online workshops.