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news Sue Keogh news Sue Keogh

Vote for us in the Digital Awards Champions 2017!

As a gold winner at the Cambridgeshire Digital Awards, we've been entered into the inaugural, public-voted Digital Awards Champions.

We're up against the other winners in the category 'Website: Marketing and Creative' in Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Milton Keynes and Surrey. The winners will be announced at the BFI on 9 February 2017.

So don't delay, please vote for us today! 

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news Sue Keogh news Sue Keogh

Techfugees Cambridge: How can tech help displaced people?

There are 65 million displaced people across the world; how are they using existing technology in such desperate situations and what tools are being developed by grassroots organisations in response to the crisis?

We sponsored and attended the first Techfugees Cambridge Conference and met the people who are rolling up their sleeves and coming up with practical solutions which can help. 

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