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events, social media, web content Sue Keogh events, social media, web content Sue Keogh

Inspiring digital transformation at ND15

We were lucky enough to be able to attend the 10th National Digital Leaders' Conference at Whitehall this week.

Speakers including Baroness Martha Lane-Fox, Dr Sue Black, Ed Vaizey MP, Matt Hancock MP, Emma Mulqueeny, Rachel Neaman and Helen Milner OBE tackled an important question: How can we encourage digital transformation in the UK and reap huge benefits to the economy and society?

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events, social media Rory Stobo events, social media Rory Stobo

Crisis management on social media: Sookio style

See slides and a write-up of Sue's talk at the Cambridge Network about crisis management and social media.

How can you use social media to avoid a crisis happening in the first place and to stop things escalating when it all goes pear shaped. And would you use Protein World's 'robust' approach to crisis management if something went wrong in your own business?!

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