Watch: How to grow a YouTube channel

Remember work experience? We certainly do, so being able to offer a young person the chance to see how the world of digital marketing works is a fantastic (and humbling) experience.

Meet Rob. Rob's in year 10 and he grew a YouTube channel to 27,000 subscribers in a little under 18 months! With an achievement like that under his belt, we had to sit him down for a special Facebook livestream and talk about how he managed it, covering topics like:

  • His inspirations for getting started.

  • How that kind of growth feels, and what challenges he faced.

  • Dealing with comment section trolls.

  • Tips and advice for his fellow YouTubers.

  • Predictions for how the video-making community will develop over the next few years.

  • How operating as a YouTuber differs from using the platform for business.

We've all learned a thing or two over the years, and we're eager to share! Contact Sookio for a chat about the kind of marketing your brand deserves.


Watch: Growing positive communities on Twitter


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