That’s a wrap! Read the top blog posts of 2019
In case you missed the memo: 2020 is coming. Almost time for the usual stream of 2019 marketing recaps and resolutions we’ll never keep.
You’ve uncovered what your Instagram top nine posts were, now scroll on and see what made our list of 2019’s nine most popular blog posts.
Stand out from the crowd: The best ways to use Twitter to reach your customers
Not every business uses Twitter its full potential. We want you to be a pro, so we shared the best ways to reach your customer.
Whether you’re a total beginner or have done your time navigating Twitter already, get up to speed with all the bits and grits of the platform before you plan your digital strategy around it.
Pink lemon slice standing out from the crowd of regular yellow lemons
How to create infographics that inform and inspire
Infographics are a total content hit, but how do you go around creating them? Worry not, we got this.
Whether you need to convey statistical information, explain a complicated process or simply list data, infographics take the confusion out of the equation. Creating one seems fun and straightforward, but there are several things to take into consideration – from design, through copy, to inspiration.
Still not convinced? We’ve also explained why you should let infographics into your content club.
An example of infographics
Don’t let your email marketing leave home without reading this blog
Over the summer, we’ve been packing more than our suitcases; we’ve set in line all the components of the perfect newsletter and shared what we’re sweet on.
Don’t bore your customers with tales of office beer pong from that one Friday afternoon, but do give them sweet imagery to look at and a strong call to action.
Tiny toy car overloaded with a suitcase double its size
5 great ways to alienate your audience and sell less
…that, or maintain a strong, distinctive tone of voice and sell more. We choose the latter.
No one wants to be thought of as beige, so why should your business be? Say no to beige with our Chief Copywriter’s guide on how to give your brand individuality without being pompous and too extra.
A cheeky little red rubber duck leading an army of yellow ducks
21 digital marketing tools to help you win 2019
Our first blog post of 2019 enjoyed a massive success!
We still get messages on social media from clients, saying how an app we’ve included in there has changed their digital marketing game.
We’ve split our faves into three categories: content creation, project management and business development. So whatever you’re after, you’ll find your go-to tool in this blog post.
A screenshot of a smartphone screen with favourite apps
Watch: inside the University of Cambridge’s digital comms
Remember when we chatted to Cambridge University’s Barney Brown about their digital comms and strategy? No?
No problem, you can refresh your memory with this blog post and video. We asked the University’s Head of Digital Comms, how they manage crisis communications, create and use content, take risks and more.
Forget Netflix, this one is a must-watch.
Barney Brown and Sue Keogh sitting on the sofa in front of a smartphone camera
How to live tweet an event (and still actually talk to people)
You can’t just go to an event anymore, especially if it’s a work one. You’re expected to stay on top of your socials and interact with people online as much as you do in person – plus there’s always content around you can use.
Is it easy? Heck no.
We totally get it, so we wanted to help you a bit with our tried and tested tips for how to navigate your socials and be involved in the event at the same time. From hashtags to tweet prepping, through photo apps and scribbling things down, we pinned down what to do when you’re torn between your smartphone and the keynote speaker.
Handing dripping with hot pink paint making a heart on sharp yellow background
Usability is sexy. Accessibility is hot. Clarity is…phwoar!
What could be more gorgeous than a website that is easy to use and accessible for all? We got nothin’.
Sue went to Camp Digital back in June and came back with a personal mission to draw attention to how accessible your website is to your users.
We shared lots of tips in this round-up, including the right questions you need to ask yourself, accessibility posters on usable website design and your next steps.
Loving the usability bandwagon? Read this accompanying post on our favourite accessibility tools.
A photo of red hearts hanging off the ceiling
And finally, our most-read blog post…
How to use TikTok for business
With all the (literal) song and dance surrounding TikTok, it’s easy to dismiss it as a platform for teenagers.
But wait a minute!
What if we told you that TikTok is an untapped gold mine of a digital marketing tool and can put some allspice in your business? Let us catch you up on what TikTok is and how can it help your business.
Three young people discussing work in a creative digital space
Which Sookio blog post from 2019 did you enjoy most? Sound off on our socials: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn.
Looking to revamp your marketing strategy in the new year? Give us a shout and let’s chat about how we can help you.